Sunday, September 1, 2013

Whale Watching, by Rylee

As soon as you slide into the water it takes a second or two just to realise what you are doing.
Then you notice all the other four people are swimming away, the guide in the front the rest of the people in a line behind her, like a duck and her ducklings.
When the guide spots the Whale or Whales in this case, the guide puts her or his hand in the air [this is when you take out your camera.]
You see it, a dark outline of something BIG. You see the Whales pectoral fin.
A calf under its Mum at the surface, you swim a little closer.
Your Mum grasps your hand as the escort is diving under you.
It looks so close and so far at the same time, its tail went up right under you.
You watch as the Whale swims away.
You look back up at the Mum but they have gone.


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