Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Photos of Tonga

Fine example of Tongan water safety!

View under our boat, Pangiamotu 2 meters of water at anchor.

Little tree with cool root system, making good progress after cyclone damage.

Eastern side of Pangiamotu, evidence of cyclone damage.

Rylee on the rope swing at Big Mamas, Pangiamotu.

Paige with Polly the parrot and Pirate Pearl, our three P's all the way from Nelson.

Locals at Malianoa.

Blind Rollers - breaking waves in the middle of nowhere - spooky

Malianoa Island, our first uninhabited island adventure.

Paige practicing her diving at Malianoa Is.

Rylee increasing his confidance with mask and snorkle swimming.

Oliver practicing his swimming, Malianoa.

Some Locals on Malianoa Island.

Paige in some of the cool trees that send out roots from the trunk to the ground. Nomuka Iki.

Hermit Crabs we found hiding up a small tree. Nomuka Iki.

Rylee swinging on the boat. How we keep them entertained!

Paige giving the swing a go.

And Olivers Turn.

The kids playing scrag with the locals on a small Island with around 60 inhabitants. Not much english was spoken but they didn't need a common language to work out this game!

Stickers from Aunty Megan to the local kids.

The kids were real characters and loved showing off.

Sunset at Telekivavau, one of our most spectacular yet, it was all around us and reflecting in the water and kept on changing for us, a real magic show.

Kids swimming at Telekivavau.

Paige meeting the Head of the Island!

Oliver building his fire pit, he really wanted a cookout on the beach

Division II framed by Telekevavau.

1 comment:

foxhaven said...

hello there me hartys, haha.well, what a fantastic time you seem to be having, im rather jealous!
the photos and the updated diarys are great.Keep it up please. we are all good.Jareds driving a big stock truck/trailer for Waimate tnspt.BJ's making plans for Canterbury uni next year,and Marc's doing as little as possible at school but playing and captaining the "colts" rugby,he's just been picked to tour Aussie next year for the 1st IV. We look forward to reading and seeing more. KEEP SAFE AND ENJOY YOURSELVES.