Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rylees Photos

Here are some of Rylees photos from his camera.

Rylee at Taunga Island at sunset.

Taunga island sunset. We had not long arrived! Note that you can see the other side of the island through the coconut palms.

Swallows Cave. Misnamed by Cook, but it is full of little birds. We haven't been in there yet, but plan to before we leave.

A slightly different take on a sunset. Rylee pointed out to us as we were enjoying the sky that you could also see the reflexion in the sea!

Some VERY LARGE sea slug thing that Rylee found in the Ha'apai and brought back to the boat. It was quite cute when its eyes and antenna came out, but very warty looking, somethink I can imagine a witch would need for a special spell!

Rylees shot of him and Oliver dressing up as Pirates.

Grrrr, got his pirate face on!

Oliver and Dan fishing in the Ha'apai. Perhaps the relaxed mode of feet up fishing is why we havn't had much success yet.

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