Friday, August 20, 2010

Recent Photos

Pirate Pearl took this photo of us on the day we got to Tonga with the flag she had flying for us to welcome us after our journer.

A view from up the mast. David our crew member went up on his last day with us for a photo shoot.

Pic from the top of the mast.

Oliver and Rylee exploring the reef on the first full day in Tonga.

Paige Skurfing thanks to Kate and Hamish from Pedlar.

Rylees turn.

And Oliver, they all did really well.

And the big boys had a go too.

Bedtime story in Vava'u.

Me at the helm, photo thanks to Pirate Pearl,as I am usually on the other side of the camera.

Dan tidying.

Deserted Navy Base in Vava'u. It had a really tall tower with a rusty ladder, but we all made it up and down safely.

Learning about fire safety in Tonga. This seems to be a favourite activity at the moment.

You do it like this Paige.

Look I found a baby to cuddle!! On the school visit in Vava'u.

singing wheels on the bus with the school kids.

The kids singing to us.

Oliver and friend

Our beautiful dancing girl

Pirate Pearl on the day she left us :(

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